Partnership Agreement with Sleeping Partner

Partnership agreements are essential for any business venture, as they outline the terms and conditions of the partnership. However, when it comes to a sleeping partner, drafting a partnership agreement becomes even more crucial.

A sleeping partner, also known as a silent partner, is an investor who contributes capital to a business venture but does not take an active role in its management. They receive a share of the profits and losses but are not involved in the daily operations of the business.

Partnership agreements with sleeping partners should include the following clauses:

1. Capital Contribution: The partnership agreement should clearly state the amount of capital the sleeping partner will contribute to the business.

2. Profit and Loss Sharing: The agreement should detail how profits and losses will be shared among the partners. In the case of a sleeping partner, they will receive a share of the profits based on their capital contribution.

3. Decision Making: The agreement should outline the decision-making process for the partnership. It should specify that the sleeping partner will not be involved in the management of the business and that all decisions will be made by the active partner(s).

4. Liability: The sleeping partner should be shielded from any liabilities or obligations of the partnership beyond their initial investment.

5. Dispute Resolution: The agreement should contain a dispute resolution clause. In the event of a dispute between the partners, a neutral third party should be appointed to mediate or arbitrate the matter.

6. Exit Strategy: The partnership agreement should outline the exit strategy for the sleeping partner. This includes the circumstances under which they can exit the partnership, the procedure for exiting, and the terms of any buyout.

In conclusion, partnership agreements are crucial when it comes to business ventures involving sleeping partners. The agreement should clearly outline the role, contribution, and rights of the sleeping partner while also safeguarding their interests. A well-drafted partnership agreement can not only protect the interests of all parties involved but also ensure the smooth functioning of the business.